Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two-point perspective

Now that you understand one-point perspective (see last two posts), it should be easier to understand two point. The best way to explain when to use two-point is when you see a corner facing you--a building, a book, a box--you're looking at two planes that have two vanishing points relative to the horizon line. For instance, notice the building below. We are looking at the corner and it is above the horizon line.

When constructing such a building on paper, you first determine the horizon line and then the vanishing points. In this example your vanishing points are way outside the photograph. That's usually the case.

Next, you draw the corner line and then connect the "dots" with orthogonal (vanishing) lines and vertical lines. In the drawing below you can see how the top block is above the horizon line. But there are others--one on the horizon line and the other below. 

Here's a step-by-step method to creating that last box, which is beneath the horizon line, often called bird's eye view.

Step One
As I stated, you have to first establish your horizon line and vanishing points. Then you draw your corner line (this should represent the height of your building or box.


Step Two
Just as in one-point perspective, you have two planes here--the one on the right and other on the left. You draw vanishing lines from the top (and bottom) of the corner line to the point as demonstrated by the blue lines in the illustration. You've just created the sides of the building/box.

Step Three
Now that you have the sides done, you need to create the width by placing vertical lines between the vanishing lines. 

Step Four
So far, we have two walls up and running. But now we have to create the top. This can be tricky for some. Intuitively, I always wanted to draw the lines parallel to the bottom--but that was wrong. Instead we draw some more vanishing lines. For the right hand side of the box, you draw a line from the left-hand VP. to the right vertical line. For the left side, you draw a line from the right VP to the left vertical, as shown here.

Step Two
The final step is easy, just erase your lines and you have a box that's just below the horizon line.

What's neat about learning how to draw a box or building is your ability to create villages or even cities. During my perspective day-long workshop in March, that's just what we'll do. It is really a lot of fun when you understand the mechanics.

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